Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tentang Ciuman
Ciuman bisa di ibaratkan bahasa cinta dan kasih sayang untuk pasangan kita. Ini adalah satu bentuk yang paling indah dalam hubungan kita yang bisa menghasilkan kenangan dan tidak mudah terlupakan. Walaupun sudah berkali – kali melakukannya.
Sebuah ciuman bisa memberi kesan sayang, liar, bahkan mengintimidasi. Ciuman juga bisa dilakukan di bagian mana pun dari tubuh Anda dalam durasi sedetik sampai beberapa menit.
Secara harfiah, berciuman memberi makna saling menyentuh bibir untuk mengungkapkan rasa sayang. Namun, ciuman ternyata banyak macamnya, tergantung bagaimana cara Anda melakukannya.
Namun, ciuman seperti apa sih yang disukai pria? Karena mereka sering melancarkan “wet kiss”, apakah itu berarti mereka menyukainya? Mengapa mereka hanya memberikan kecupan ringan di kening Anda? Pada dasarnya, ada beberapa jenis ciuman yang paling mereka sukai.
1. Mengisap bibir.
Ciuman jenis ini biasanya terjadi ketika Anda berdua tengah bermesraan dan si dia mengisap bibir atas atau bawah Anda. Pria sangat menyukai ciuman jenis ini karena dapat memprovokasi pasangannya untuk memberikan reaksi yang lebih “hot”. Ciuman ini menjadi semacam ciuman resmi untuk mengawali sesi bercinta. Tak sekadar bercinta, tetapi juga segala posisi, gaya, dan petualangan lain yang akan Anda lakukan.
Lucunya, sebagian dari pria tidak suka kalau bibirnya diisap, lho. Mereka lebih suka melakukannya pada pasangan mereka. Alasannya? Coba tanya pasangan Anda.
2. Ciuman di tengah sesi bercinta.
Maknanya, ya sesuai sebutannya. Sambil berhubungan seksual, si dia mencuri-curi untuk mencium Anda. Pria senang melancarkan ciuman ini karena selain makin menciptakan kenikmatan juga merupakan kombinasi dari aktivitas seksual paling klasik dan yang paling liar. Jika Anda mampu melakukannya dengan nyaman, saat itulah Anda berdua mampu menikmatinya.
3. Kecupan ringan.
Ciuman ini tergolong yang paling sederhana dan tidak melibatkan perasaan seksual. Kecupan bisa dilakukan di bibir, kening, pipi, di mana pun Anda dan dia menginginkannya. Pria umumnya senang ketika mengecup kepala atau leher pasangannya karena saat itu tercium wangi sampo, losion, atau parfum yang tercampur sempurna dengan aroma tubuh Anda yang sebenarnya. Sebaliknya, pria akan suka dikecup di mana saja. Ya, sesederhana itu.
4. “French kiss”.
Saat melakukannya, si dia akan menyelipkan lidahnya ke dalam mulut Anda. Ciuman ini biasanya memang terjadi ketika suasana sudah benar-benar “panas”. Pria menyukainya karena sama liarnya dengan hubungan seks itu sendiri. Ketika mata saling tertutup, kepala dimiringkan, tubuh saling mendekap, tangan menggenggam, itulah momen paling menyenangkan buatnya. Ada semacam artikulasi dan intuisi dalam ciuman yang menggairahkan sehingga tak ada kata-kata atau bahkan seks yang bisa mengikutinya.
Ciuman Pemanasan
Moment ini biasanya disaat yang tidak disengaja. Waktu yang kadang tidak kita duga membuat menambah perasaaan mesra, deg2-an dan sensasi luar biasa. Ciuman ini sangat disarankan untuk membuka ciuman selanjutnya.Selain itu saran saya dilakukan dengan perlahan dan mata terpejam. Pengen ngerti caranya? Simple. hanya dengan menempelkan ujung bibir yang tertutup dgn pasangan anda. Tetapi tidak hanya di bibir saja loh, bisa pipi, telapak atau punggung tangan, kening dan leher dan lain – lain ( pilih salah satu yang paling disukai pasangan anda ).
Ciuman Kering
Unik memang untuk jenis ini, tapi yang pasti, teknik ciuman seperti ini dilakukan di posisi “kering”, karena sedikit membuka mulut, menahan dengan lembut kemudian menikmati getaran sensasinya. Perlahan tapi pasti dengan rileks, kemudia dilanjutkan dengan angkatan perlahan dan mengulangi kembali di bagian lain seperti contoh di belahan bibir, ujung jari, mata, hingga turun ke pangkal lengan dan terus turun.
Ciuman Basah
Teknik ini berlawanan dengan ciuman kering. Dengan membasahi mulut dengan menggunakan lidah dan gerakan memutar hingga bibir terlihat basah dan merekah ( membuat nafsu ). Kemudian arahkan ke tubuh lawan ciuman anda. Dalam posisi ini, mainkan kembali lidah anda dengan membasahi daerah – daerah bibir, leher ( i liket it ), punggung dan lain – lain.
Ciuman Kulum
Untuk teknik ini adalah favorite banyak orang. Sangat nikmat dan membuat gairah libido semakin naik pesat. Caranya dengan menciumkan ke bibir, kemudian lidah anda di gerak – gerakkan seperti mengulum permen. Majukan ujung bibir dan buka sedikit, lalu lidah masuk ke target kuluman. Lakukan gerakan – gerakan lidah dengan menyentuhkan lidah bagian atas mapun bagian bawah sedikit, berikan sedikit tekanan, terus putarkanlah lidah hingga tersentuh lidah bagian atas dan bawah bergantian. Sensansi yang nikmat ( puf ! ) HeHeHe … Sangat efektif untuk mulut bagian dalam ( saling mengulum )
Ciuman Sedot
Hampir mirip dengan Ciuman kulum, tetapi hanya memainkan bibir, bukan lidah hanya untuk meningkatkan sensasi yang joss. Seperti kita minum pakai sedotan. Teknik sedot ini adalah kontraksi otot – otot sekitar mulut, pipi dan leher. Tekhniknya adalah dengan melakukan sambil memberikan sedikit kekuatan sedotan pada daerah sensitif seperti puting payudara, dada dan leher ( daerah sensitif wanita )
Ciuman Gigitan
Kalo sudah di ujung – ujungnya, teknik ini membangkitkan kembali birahi. Kalo biasanya memberikan bekas cupang ciuman. Bagi yang sudah biasa tersenyumlah ! ( hehehe ). bagi yang belum, dengan sedikit gigitan lembut pada daerah – daerah titik rangsangan pasangan anda, kemudian gabungkan gigitan lembut dengan jilatan lidah supaya sensasi yang dihasilkan seperti menyengat. Gigit dengan pelan – pelan dengan gigi sebentar saja lalu lepaskan dengan ulangi lagi. Setelah melakukan teknik ciuman gigitan akan menjadi kenangan indah setelah hubungan. Biasanya dilakukan di daerah sensitif.
Jenis-jenis Ciuman ^_^
Kalo temen2 masih penasaran bagaimana Ciuman sebenernya,Cekidot yang ini deh.hehehe
Butterfly Kiss
Mencium bagian tubuh si dia dengan mengedip-ngedipkan bulu mata hingga pasangan terasa geli. Ciuman ini bisa diberikan di pipi, ujung bibir, dahi atau perut.
Cheek Kiss
Biasanya ciuman ini diberikan pada saat kencan pertama sebagai tanda “aku suka padamu”.
Ciuman pipi ini bisa semakin mesra jika kamu tahu caranya, letakkan tangan kamu di pundaknya lalu sebelum mencium usap dulu pipinya dengan bibir kamu, lakukan dengan penuh kelembutan.
Eskimo Kiss
Ciuman dengan cara saling menggosokkan hidung kamu dengan pasangan. Biar lebih seru dan seperti di Eskimo, lakukan di depan kulkas yang terbuka!
Sementara pasangan kamu sedang tidur, ciumlah kelopak matanya yang tertutup dengan sangat perlahan dan mesra. Ciuman yang sederhana tetapi bisa berarti sangat mendalam
Freeze Kiss
Ciuman yang dilakukan setelah bibir ditempeli es batu. Dingin tapi menyenangkan! Ada cara lain yang tak kalah serunya, kamu dan pasangan berciuman sambil memainkan es batu dengan lidah di dalam mulut.
Earlobe Kiss
Ciumlah pasangan kamu tepat di telinganya, tapi jangan bersuara! Cukup dengan hembusan nafas saja karena suara kamu akan membuatnya terperanjat.
The Whipped Cream Kiss
Merupakan jenis ciuman yang menggairahkan dan penuh nafsu. Celupkan jari kamu ke dalam whipped cream, lalu jilat jari kamu secara perlahan-lahan. Selanjutnya kamu dan pasangan saling berpelukan dan berciuman, ciuman yang manis karena di mulut Anda masih tersisa citarasa whipped cream.
Foot Kiss
Ciuman romantis yang penuh ‘isyarat’. Mungkin pasangan kamu akan sedikit geli, jadi buatlah si dia merasa lebih rileks dan menikmati setiap ciuman kamu. Caranya, pijat-pijat dulu kakinya sembari dielus lalu mulailah aksi ciuman kamu dari bawah ke atas.
Quickie Kiss
Ciuman singkat yang dapat kamu berikan di saat kamu benar-benar sibuk. Kecup hidungnya lalu kecup bibirnya. Ciuman ini hanya membutuhkan waktu ¼ detik!
Forehead Kiss
Disebut ciuman ibu karena ciuman ini bersifat menenangkan bagi siapa saja. Tak ada ciuman di dahi yang dapat membangkitkan nafsu.
French Kiss
Bisa juga disebut The English Kiss atau Soul Kiss, gaya ciuman yang membutuhkan keahlian kamu dan pasangan memainkan lidah.
Fruit Kiss
Ciuman yang menggunakan potongan buah (anggur, stroberi, atau potongan apel). Caranya: Letakkan buah di antara mulut kamu lalu dekatkan mulut kamu padanya. Gigit buah setengahnya sampai bibir kamu dan pasangan saling menempel, lalu silahkan berciuman dengan bergairah.
Hand Kiss
Mencium punggung tangan pasangan dengan mesra lalu merambat ke bagian atas.
Lick Kiss
Sebelum ciuman berlangsung, mainkan lidah kamu pada bibir pasangan. Jika suasana makin ‘memanas’ barulah lidah kamu masuk ke dalam mulutnya. Wow!
Talking Kiss
Sesekali saat berciuman tak ada salahnya kamu mengucapkan I love you di dalam mulutnya. Hmm…suasana berciuman semakin terasa romantis.
Nip Kiss
Ciuman yang erotis dan penuh sensasi. Saat berciuman, sesekali gigitlah bibirnya. Lakukan dengan benar dan jangan membuatnya menjerit kesakitan.
Sip Kiss
Sebelum mencium si dia, teguk sedikit minuman favorit kamu . Lalu tumpahkan di dalam mulutnya. Selanjutnya lumat bibirnya dengan perlahan dan biarkan si dia menikmati ciuman kamu
The Buzzing Kiss
Ciumlah belakang telingannya dengan perlahan lalu dengan suara geraman dan dengungan mesra menuju ke lehernya. Gigit-gigit lehernya dengan perlahan sampai kamu menemukan mulutnya.
Tongue Sucking
Merupakan variasi dari French Kiss, ketika kamu dan pasangan saling memainkan lidah, sesekali hisaplah lidahnya. Pasti si dia akan merasa lebih seksi.
Vacuum Kiss
Ciuman yang dilakukan sambil meniup mulut pasangan sampai pipi mengembang. Lalu kempiskan sehingga ada angin bertiup bolak-balik dari mulut kamu ke mulut pasangan. Tapi hati-hati masuk angin! konyol banget ya...
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
trik mengatasi kesulitan bahasa ketika kita berpergian ke luar negeri
Bahasa merupakan hal utama ketika berhubungan dengan orang lain. Ketika liburan, haruskah saya belajar bahasa tempat yang saya kunjungi dahulu ? Jawabannya bisa jadi iya atau ngga. Namun , tentunya saya tidak mungkin belajar 8 bahasa kan ?
Nyaris tidak mungkin saya belajar bahasa dalam waktu satu minggu sebelum liburan. Salah sedikit mungkin bisa dimaafkan. Tapi , yang paling penting adalah , bagaimana supaya saya tidak malu ketika salah berucap.
Di beberapa negara, terutama eropa. Bahasa bisa jadi sangat diagungkan, contohnya Denmark tidak mau menerima kesalahan orang yang berbicara salah dalam bahasa Dannish. Di Indonesia mungkin tidak terlalu masalah, beda tempat beda budaya bukan ? Nah begitupun dengan saya, dalam berbahasa inggrispun saya biasanya kesulitan dalam verb dan conversation. Tidak bisa membaca symbol symbol pengucapkan yang ada dikamus-kamus advance. Ada American English ada pula British English, ada lagi Australian English. dan terakhir biasanya saya mau ngomong pun takut salah.
Bahasa merupakan kendala utama bagi sebagian orang yang ingin bertraveling, namun sayang bukan bila gara-gara saya takut tidak bisa berkomunikasi, saya tidak bisa melihat indahnya dunia ini. tapi saya mempunyai trik untuk mengatasi masalah itu semua.
1.Yang lebih penting dari bahasa? ETIKA!
Manner adalah segalanya, ketika berada di negeri orang usahakan selalu ramah dengan mengatakan ‘ hello ‘ ketika bertemu, terimakasih ketika mendapat sesuatu, dan sama-sama ketika orang lain mengucapkan terimakasih. Ini adalah hal dasar dalam etika. Semua orang di dunia memiliki hal ini dalam kulturnya. Pelajarilah kultur sebelum kita belajar bahasa. Hal ini dilakukan setidaknya agar kita mendapatkan respek mereka, karena ketika mereka respek dengan kita, maka mereka akan berusaha mengerti apa yang kita ucapkan.
2.Pelajari 5 Frase mudah ini.
Apa kata-kata yang harus kita pelajari pertama kali ? 5 frase penting yang harus kita tahu di setiap bahasa adalah , ‘ Dimana kamar mandi/Where ‘the Bathroom?’, “ Berapa harga barang ini/How much does it cost’, ‘ Excuse me’, ‘ Makanan nya enak/The food is good!’ dan frase paling penting adalah ‘ Do you Speak English ?’. Kenapa harus Inggris? Karena paling universal. Ingat, grammar tidak akan terlalu kita ingat ketika berbicara bukan ? sebaiknya kita menyimpan berbagai versi Frase-frase ini di dalam Hp juga pengucapannya.
3.Pelajari cara mengucapkan
‘huh?’ ini merupakan ekspresi orang yang tidak mengerti sesuatu yang anda katakan, tidak enak bukan ketika anda sudah bertanya, tetapi orang yang kita Tanya tidak mengerti apa maksud kita. Pelajari betul-betul cara mengucapkannya, check di situ Http:// untuk kamus audio yang bisa menjadi acuan kita ketika mengucapkan satu frase. .
4. Teknologi!
Teknologi merupakan andalan semua orang. Siapa yang tidak bisa bahasa asing ketika Teknologi bertindak. Sekarang ini, kita dapat memanfaatkan kamera anda sebagai kamus , cukup arahkan kamera kita ke satu tulisan, dan tulisan tersebut akan berubah sesuai bahasa yang sudah kita setting. Google Goggles adalah salah satu alat yang bisa anda andalkan.
Jibbigo bisa jadi sangat membantu, anda tinggal hidupkan aplikasi tersebut, dan aplikasi tersebut akan mentranslate kata-kata kita dalam sebuah tulisan yang sudah kita setting.
Begitu canggih bukan, maka bahasa bukan kendala untuk bisa jalan-jalan ke negeri yang belum kita kenal sekalipun.
5. Samakan kata-kata dengan bahasa yang kita mengerti
Trik ini mungkin sudah tua , tapi berhasil. Indonesia banyak menyerap bahasa dari berbagai negara. Maka tidak heran, banyak kata-kata dari Bahasa Indoensia yang sama dengan bahasa asing. Ini merupakan suatu keuntungan bagi kita, karena kita bisa mengingat-ingat bahasa yang sama dengan Bahasa Indonesia yang kita mengerti.
6.Andalkan seseorang yang sepertinya mengerti pelafalan kita.
Mungkin kita tidak akan selalu bertemu orang semacam ini. Namun, bila suatu ketika kita berada di Prancis,dimana hanya sedikit orang bisa bahasa Inggris atau bahasa lainnya, dan kita bertemu seseorang yang mengerti Bahasa Inggris kita, maka kita beruntung!
Tapi perhatikan, staf hotel senior biasanya memiliki keahlian bahasa Inggris yang baik. Maka kita bisa meminta sesuatu atau bertanya sesuatu kepada staf ini.
Nyaris tidak mungkin saya belajar bahasa dalam waktu satu minggu sebelum liburan. Salah sedikit mungkin bisa dimaafkan. Tapi , yang paling penting adalah , bagaimana supaya saya tidak malu ketika salah berucap.
Di beberapa negara, terutama eropa. Bahasa bisa jadi sangat diagungkan, contohnya Denmark tidak mau menerima kesalahan orang yang berbicara salah dalam bahasa Dannish. Di Indonesia mungkin tidak terlalu masalah, beda tempat beda budaya bukan ? Nah begitupun dengan saya, dalam berbahasa inggrispun saya biasanya kesulitan dalam verb dan conversation. Tidak bisa membaca symbol symbol pengucapkan yang ada dikamus-kamus advance. Ada American English ada pula British English, ada lagi Australian English. dan terakhir biasanya saya mau ngomong pun takut salah.
Bahasa merupakan kendala utama bagi sebagian orang yang ingin bertraveling, namun sayang bukan bila gara-gara saya takut tidak bisa berkomunikasi, saya tidak bisa melihat indahnya dunia ini. tapi saya mempunyai trik untuk mengatasi masalah itu semua.
1.Yang lebih penting dari bahasa? ETIKA!
Manner adalah segalanya, ketika berada di negeri orang usahakan selalu ramah dengan mengatakan ‘ hello ‘ ketika bertemu, terimakasih ketika mendapat sesuatu, dan sama-sama ketika orang lain mengucapkan terimakasih. Ini adalah hal dasar dalam etika. Semua orang di dunia memiliki hal ini dalam kulturnya. Pelajarilah kultur sebelum kita belajar bahasa. Hal ini dilakukan setidaknya agar kita mendapatkan respek mereka, karena ketika mereka respek dengan kita, maka mereka akan berusaha mengerti apa yang kita ucapkan.
2.Pelajari 5 Frase mudah ini.
Apa kata-kata yang harus kita pelajari pertama kali ? 5 frase penting yang harus kita tahu di setiap bahasa adalah , ‘ Dimana kamar mandi/Where ‘the Bathroom?’, “ Berapa harga barang ini/How much does it cost’, ‘ Excuse me’, ‘ Makanan nya enak/The food is good!’ dan frase paling penting adalah ‘ Do you Speak English ?’. Kenapa harus Inggris? Karena paling universal. Ingat, grammar tidak akan terlalu kita ingat ketika berbicara bukan ? sebaiknya kita menyimpan berbagai versi Frase-frase ini di dalam Hp juga pengucapannya.
3.Pelajari cara mengucapkan
‘huh?’ ini merupakan ekspresi orang yang tidak mengerti sesuatu yang anda katakan, tidak enak bukan ketika anda sudah bertanya, tetapi orang yang kita Tanya tidak mengerti apa maksud kita. Pelajari betul-betul cara mengucapkannya, check di situ Http:// untuk kamus audio yang bisa menjadi acuan kita ketika mengucapkan satu frase. .
4. Teknologi!
Teknologi merupakan andalan semua orang. Siapa yang tidak bisa bahasa asing ketika Teknologi bertindak. Sekarang ini, kita dapat memanfaatkan kamera anda sebagai kamus , cukup arahkan kamera kita ke satu tulisan, dan tulisan tersebut akan berubah sesuai bahasa yang sudah kita setting. Google Goggles adalah salah satu alat yang bisa anda andalkan.
Jibbigo bisa jadi sangat membantu, anda tinggal hidupkan aplikasi tersebut, dan aplikasi tersebut akan mentranslate kata-kata kita dalam sebuah tulisan yang sudah kita setting.
Begitu canggih bukan, maka bahasa bukan kendala untuk bisa jalan-jalan ke negeri yang belum kita kenal sekalipun.
5. Samakan kata-kata dengan bahasa yang kita mengerti
Trik ini mungkin sudah tua , tapi berhasil. Indonesia banyak menyerap bahasa dari berbagai negara. Maka tidak heran, banyak kata-kata dari Bahasa Indoensia yang sama dengan bahasa asing. Ini merupakan suatu keuntungan bagi kita, karena kita bisa mengingat-ingat bahasa yang sama dengan Bahasa Indonesia yang kita mengerti.
6.Andalkan seseorang yang sepertinya mengerti pelafalan kita.
Mungkin kita tidak akan selalu bertemu orang semacam ini. Namun, bila suatu ketika kita berada di Prancis,dimana hanya sedikit orang bisa bahasa Inggris atau bahasa lainnya, dan kita bertemu seseorang yang mengerti Bahasa Inggris kita, maka kita beruntung!
Tapi perhatikan, staf hotel senior biasanya memiliki keahlian bahasa Inggris yang baik. Maka kita bisa meminta sesuatu atau bertanya sesuatu kepada staf ini.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
1. The subway station is _____ here.
near to
near from (direction)
2. When we woke up, everywhere was _____ snow.
covered by (pasif)
covered with
3. Do earthquakes _____ often in North America?
break out (
happen to
4. We had better _____ before it begins to rain.
To leave (future)
to leaving
5. A large crowd _____ in front of the train station.
Gathering (present continous)
to gather
had gathered
had gathering
6. In winter, driving accidents occur quite _____ on the highways.
Frequently (count)
a few
7. Would you like to _____ to the United States?
8. Most people at some stage have a feeling _____.
of responsibility (adverb)
to be responsible
9. This stadium can hold _____.
Much audience
a large audience
much audiences
Many audiences (count)
10. When the mountain forests _____, there can be large forest fires.
Become dry (adjective)
becoming dry
become drying
11. “What kind of work are you doing for that company?”
“I’m _____ as an administrator.”
Worked (verb)
12. "I don't want to buy anything, do you?"
"Yes, I'd like to buy _____"
much pencils
any pencils
some pencils (count)
13. We can _____ sports on Saturday if you’d like.
Play (future)
14. _____ the hotel rooms are reserved throughout peak season.
Almost of
Almost all of
Most of all (count)
15. “Where did you work before?”
“I worked only minutes _____ railroad track.”
From thev (location)
16. “I don’t think it will rain at all today, do you?”
“No, I _____ so.”
Think not
not think
Don’t think (unagree)
do think not
17. We have only another five minutes. I think we _____.
be hurry
to hurry
Should hurry (adjective)
18. Many fans showed up at the stadium. They were _____ the big game.
anxious seeing
anxious to see (adjective)
to anxiously see
to see anxiously
19. “Who did you meet at the community dinner dance?”
“I met many _____ people.”
Fame (adjective)
20. “John isn’t sure that the meeting will be held tomorrow.”
“But I _____.”
Certain (adjective)
am certain
am certainly
21. My brother loves to watch baseball; I _____ basketball.
Prefer to watch (perbandingan)
to prefer watching
watch preferring
preferring to watch
22. Many people are waiting for the news bulletin. It will _____ soon.
Be circulate (future)
circulate around
come near
come around
23. I think our guests will _____.
Be here shortly (future)
shortly be here
here be shortly
here shortly be
24. Who _____ when John is likely to turn up.
do know
is knowing
Knows (question)
25. The managers are _____ a new work schedule now.
Arranging up (verb)
be arrange
to arranging
1. I am slow to _____.
express my opinion
express my viewing
make my views
make my opinion (verb)
2. I have to have this report finished _____.
by Friday
until Friday (future)
Friday before
Friday beginning
3. We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon. It has _____.
Beautiful scenery that is much
Many beautiful landscapes (count)
many beautiful sceneries
much beautiful scenery
4. The car was parked directly _____ the diner.
ahead of
In front of (position)
5. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people _____ skiing.
that enjoying
who enjoy
who enjoying
6. It is already 3 o’clock. Can you _____ time to catch the bus?
Have enough
have it in
make in
Make it in
7. I went to have my glasses _____.
fit on
fitted on
8. Mary's house is _____ the hair salon. Do you think you can find it?
near to
next to (location)
9. The burning stick was very hot. He let _____ just in time.
alone it
go alone it
go it
go of it
10. Do we have _____ money to last us the week?
a lot of
plenty of
Enough (questions)
11. John decided _____ golf on weekends.
to begin
to commence
to take up
to start up (future)
12. It _____ to me whether we meet them or not.
makes no difference
makes not a difference
is indifferent
is not a difference
13. We were _____ after all the hard work.
wear out
weary out
worn out
14. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.
quite a few
quite much
quite many (count)
quite some
15. They are late as usual. I don't think we should _____ them.
await for
wait for
await on
wait on
16. Are you _____ the competition?
going entering
go to enter
going to enter
17. You had better _____ the tourist information office.
inquire at
inquiring at
inquire to
inquiring at
18. Ireland was part of the UK, _____?
didn't it
wasn't it
hasn't it
weren't it
19. They will be _____ at the party.
at present
20. Will they go _____ this summer?
to swim
to swimming
21. The New York police were very anxious _____ about the crime.
more learn
learn more
to more learn
to learn more
22. Many excited women could _____ at the department store sale.
be seen
be seeing
be see
23. The sink in the locker room tends to _____ .
flow over
over flowing
24. How long did the baseball game _____?
25. We must _____ the annual board meeting tomorrow.
attend to
attend in
1. "You are welcome to order the goods now."
"But payment should be made _____."
for advance
in advance (BUKAN SEDANG)
to advance
2. "Where do you live now?"
"I live in Utah; my _____."
parents too do
parents do
parents do, too (DO KATA BANTU)
parents also do
3. I cannot understand my neighbor's accent. I wish she would _____.
speak clearer
clearer speak
more clearly speak
speak more clearly
4. "Why are you driving so fast?"
"I'm _____."
must be hurry
in hurry
in a hurry
5. I have your music CD. I think I _____ your concert video.
also have
have too
too have
have further
6. I hear you have started a new job. _____ like it?
How do you
What you
What do you (KATA PERTANYAAN )
7. I really have to go now. I have _____ the doctor.
appointments to
an appointment to
appointment with
an appointment with (MENGGUNAKAN AN)
8. I can meet you at Central Station. Will _____?
convenient for you
that convenient
that be convenient
you be convenient (KATA BANTU BE)
9. I don't have any results for you today. I _____ tomorrow.
have any
may have any
have some
10. I would rather _____ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy cafe.
to have
prefer to have
11. "Where _____ last weekend?"
"I went to see my aunt and uncle."
are you go
do you go
have you went
did you go (LAMPAU)
12. I was very surprised _____ that she didn’t pass the exam.”
to hearing
at hearing
to hear
13. “Why _____ she isn’t speaking to us?”
“We must have done something that upset her. She is just too sensitive.”
Are you think
are you imagine
do you think
you think
14. I hope that this winter won’t be _____ last.”
As cold as
so cold as
As cold like (AS COLD)
so cold like
15. Sorry to be late. I was delayed by _____.”
A heavy traffic
heavy traffic
some heavy traffic
traffic being heavy
16. The sky is getting dark. It _____ rain is on its way.
looks like
seems to
will be
17. Would you do me a small favour? I _____ very much.
Appreciate it
would appreciate
would be appreciative
would appreciate it
18. I am familiar with that product. I don’t know _____ times I’ve seen it advertised on TV.
How many
how often
many often
19. “When _____ leaving for Toronto, Canada?”
“We are planning to set out at 10 o’clock.”
will we
will us
are us
20. I asked Robert when he could fix my leaking tap. He said that he would come round and fix it _____.
as much as possible
as possible as he could
as fast as he could possibly
as soon as possible
21. "Do you know _____ that building is?"
"I would say that it was built at least 100 years ago."
how age
how old
which age
22. The man told us that the next train would arrive _____.
at three thirty
at three thirty o'clock (RAMAI AT BUKAN IN)
in three thirty
in three thirty o’clock
23. “How _____ a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident?”
“I don’t know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers.”
24. That is the city _____ worst crime record.
On the
with the
for the
25. "Where should I put this key?"
"You can _____ it on the shelf."
26. Write a book is truly a process, and one that is impossible to complete without considerable assistence from many others. (TIDAK MEMAKAI IS)
27. The first section of this book will probably be most help to you right now. (TIDAK SEHATUSANYA MENGGUNAKAN KATA BANTU BE)
28. My slow and steady approach to the challenge of sleep focus on using this challenge as an opportunity to help you and your baby. (TIDAK MENGGUNAKAN ING)
29. Other parents might wanted to incorporate other calming rituals, such as singing a lullaby, saying prayers, or telling a story.
30. If you wait to return until a child is crying or calling for you, you are sending them the very clear message that these calls and cries will lead to your return, and thereby motivating these behaviors. (SEDANG MENUNGGU PAKAI ING)
31. Just knowing that I would returned was enough to let him stay quietly in his bed (BUKAN ED)
32. When children awake at night, as they all will at some point, you face an additional challenge: Getting your child back to sleep when you are probably mostly asleep yourself.
33. It seems to me that my previous position have afforded me just the experience needed to enable me to do the work required in your office to your satisfaction.
34. This feeding should be done quick and quietly so that you don’t provide unnecessary stimulation and excitement. (TIDAK MENGGUNAKAN KATA BE)
35. I have been told by Mr. John L. Peterson, manager of the Credit, The Business Book Publishing Company, New York, with whom I believed you acquainted that you are expecting to making some additions to you accounting staff in January 2013.
36. I shall be in Rio de Janeiro in January, I hope that you will given me an interview at sometime convenient to you during that month. (MENGGUNAKAN V1)
37. Thank you very much for calling to my attention the possible vacancies in the Accounting Department at the Brazilian branch of the International Business Book Company on Rio de Janeiro.
38. In the school year of 2006-2007, I take two courses with you, "Accounting Problems" and "Cost Accounting" at Bronx Community College in the Evening Section. (BUKAN IN)
39. I am great interested in the position as you outlined it to me.
40. You may not relishing continually buying pacifiers or having multiple backup pacifiers with you at all time.
41. It seems to me that my previous positions have afforded me just the experience needed to enable me to do the work required in your office to your satisfaction.
1. The subway station is _____ here.
near to
near from (direction)
2. When we woke up, everywhere was _____ snow.
covered by (pasif)
covered with
3. Do earthquakes _____ often in North America?
break out (
happen to
4. We had better _____ before it begins to rain.
To leave (future)
to leaving
5. A large crowd _____ in front of the train station.
Gathering (present continous)
to gather
had gathered
had gathering
6. In winter, driving accidents occur quite _____ on the highways.
Frequently (count)
a few
7. Would you like to _____ to the United States?
8. Most people at some stage have a feeling _____.
of responsibility (adverb)
to be responsible
9. This stadium can hold _____.
Much audience
a large audience
much audiences
Many audiences (count)
10. When the mountain forests _____, there can be large forest fires.
Become dry (adjective)
becoming dry
become drying
11. “What kind of work are you doing for that company?”
“I’m _____ as an administrator.”
Worked (verb)
12. "I don't want to buy anything, do you?"
"Yes, I'd like to buy _____"
much pencils
any pencils
some pencils (count)
13. We can _____ sports on Saturday if you’d like.
Play (future)
14. _____ the hotel rooms are reserved throughout peak season.
Almost of
Almost all of
Most of all (count)
15. “Where did you work before?”
“I worked only minutes _____ railroad track.”
From thev (location)
16. “I don’t think it will rain at all today, do you?”
“No, I _____ so.”
Think not
not think
Don’t think (unagree)
do think not
17. We have only another five minutes. I think we _____.
be hurry
to hurry
Should hurry (adjective)
18. Many fans showed up at the stadium. They were _____ the big game.
anxious seeing
anxious to see (adjective)
to anxiously see
to see anxiously
19. “Who did you meet at the community dinner dance?”
“I met many _____ people.”
Fame (adjective)
20. “John isn’t sure that the meeting will be held tomorrow.”
“But I _____.”
Certain (adjective)
am certain
am certainly
21. My brother loves to watch baseball; I _____ basketball.
Prefer to watch (perbandingan)
to prefer watching
watch preferring
preferring to watch
22. Many people are waiting for the news bulletin. It will _____ soon.
Be circulate (future)
circulate around
come near
come around
23. I think our guests will _____.
Be here shortly (future)
shortly be here
here be shortly
here shortly be
24. Who _____ when John is likely to turn up.
do know
is knowing
Knows (question)
25. The managers are _____ a new work schedule now.
Arranging up (verb)
be arrange
to arranging
1. I am slow to _____.
express my opinion
express my viewing
make my views
make my opinion (verb)
2. I have to have this report finished _____.
by Friday
until Friday (future)
Friday before
Friday beginning
3. We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon. It has _____.
Beautiful scenery that is much
Many beautiful landscapes (count)
many beautiful sceneries
much beautiful scenery
4. The car was parked directly _____ the diner.
ahead of
In front of (position)
5. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people _____ skiing.
that enjoying
who enjoy
who enjoying
6. It is already 3 o’clock. Can you _____ time to catch the bus?
Have enough
have it in
make in
Make it in
7. I went to have my glasses _____.
fit on
fitted on
8. Mary's house is _____ the hair salon. Do you think you can find it?
near to
next to (location)
9. The burning stick was very hot. He let _____ just in time.
alone it
go alone it
go it
go of it
10. Do we have _____ money to last us the week?
a lot of
plenty of
Enough (questions)
11. John decided _____ golf on weekends.
to begin
to commence
to take up
to start up (future)
12. It _____ to me whether we meet them or not.
makes no difference
makes not a difference
is indifferent
is not a difference
13. We were _____ after all the hard work.
wear out
weary out
worn out
14. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.
quite a few
quite much
quite many (count)
quite some
15. They are late as usual. I don't think we should _____ them.
await for
wait for
await on
wait on
16. Are you _____ the competition?
going entering
go to enter
going to enter
17. You had better _____ the tourist information office.
inquire at
inquiring at
inquire to
inquiring at
18. Ireland was part of the UK, _____?
didn't it
wasn't it
hasn't it
weren't it
19. They will be _____ at the party.
at present
20. Will they go _____ this summer?
to swim
to swimming
21. The New York police were very anxious _____ about the crime.
more learn
learn more
to more learn
to learn more
22. Many excited women could _____ at the department store sale.
be seen
be seeing
be see
23. The sink in the locker room tends to _____ .
flow over
over flowing
24. How long did the baseball game _____?
25. We must _____ the annual board meeting tomorrow.
attend to
attend in
1. "You are welcome to order the goods now."
"But payment should be made _____."
for advance
in advance (BUKAN SEDANG)
to advance
2. "Where do you live now?"
"I live in Utah; my _____."
parents too do
parents do
parents do, too (DO KATA BANTU)
parents also do
3. I cannot understand my neighbor's accent. I wish she would _____.
speak clearer
clearer speak
more clearly speak
speak more clearly
4. "Why are you driving so fast?"
"I'm _____."
must be hurry
in hurry
in a hurry
5. I have your music CD. I think I _____ your concert video.
also have
have too
too have
have further
6. I hear you have started a new job. _____ like it?
How do you
What you
What do you (KATA PERTANYAAN )
7. I really have to go now. I have _____ the doctor.
appointments to
an appointment to
appointment with
an appointment with (MENGGUNAKAN AN)
8. I can meet you at Central Station. Will _____?
convenient for you
that convenient
that be convenient
you be convenient (KATA BANTU BE)
9. I don't have any results for you today. I _____ tomorrow.
have any
may have any
have some
10. I would rather _____ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy cafe.
to have
prefer to have
11. "Where _____ last weekend?"
"I went to see my aunt and uncle."
are you go
do you go
have you went
did you go (LAMPAU)
12. I was very surprised _____ that she didn’t pass the exam.”
to hearing
at hearing
to hear
13. “Why _____ she isn’t speaking to us?”
“We must have done something that upset her. She is just too sensitive.”
Are you think
are you imagine
do you think
you think
14. I hope that this winter won’t be _____ last.”
As cold as
so cold as
As cold like (AS COLD)
so cold like
15. Sorry to be late. I was delayed by _____.”
A heavy traffic
heavy traffic
some heavy traffic
traffic being heavy
16. The sky is getting dark. It _____ rain is on its way.
looks like
seems to
will be
17. Would you do me a small favour? I _____ very much.
Appreciate it
would appreciate
would be appreciative
would appreciate it
18. I am familiar with that product. I don’t know _____ times I’ve seen it advertised on TV.
How many
how often
many often
19. “When _____ leaving for Toronto, Canada?”
“We are planning to set out at 10 o’clock.”
will we
will us
are us
20. I asked Robert when he could fix my leaking tap. He said that he would come round and fix it _____.
as much as possible
as possible as he could
as fast as he could possibly
as soon as possible
21. "Do you know _____ that building is?"
"I would say that it was built at least 100 years ago."
how age
how old
which age
22. The man told us that the next train would arrive _____.
at three thirty
at three thirty o'clock (RAMAI AT BUKAN IN)
in three thirty
in three thirty o’clock
23. “How _____ a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident?”
“I don’t know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers.”
24. That is the city _____ worst crime record.
On the
with the
for the
25. "Where should I put this key?"
"You can _____ it on the shelf."
26. Write a book is truly a process, and one that is impossible to complete without considerable assistence from many others. (TIDAK MEMAKAI IS)
27. The first section of this book will probably be most help to you right now. (TIDAK SEHATUSANYA MENGGUNAKAN KATA BANTU BE)
28. My slow and steady approach to the challenge of sleep focus on using this challenge as an opportunity to help you and your baby. (TIDAK MENGGUNAKAN ING)
29. Other parents might wanted to incorporate other calming rituals, such as singing a lullaby, saying prayers, or telling a story.
30. If you wait to return until a child is crying or calling for you, you are sending them the very clear message that these calls and cries will lead to your return, and thereby motivating these behaviors. (SEDANG MENUNGGU PAKAI ING)
31. Just knowing that I would returned was enough to let him stay quietly in his bed (BUKAN ED)
32. When children awake at night, as they all will at some point, you face an additional challenge: Getting your child back to sleep when you are probably mostly asleep yourself.
33. It seems to me that my previous position have afforded me just the experience needed to enable me to do the work required in your office to your satisfaction.
34. This feeding should be done quick and quietly so that you don’t provide unnecessary stimulation and excitement. (TIDAK MENGGUNAKAN KATA BE)
35. I have been told by Mr. John L. Peterson, manager of the Credit, The Business Book Publishing Company, New York, with whom I believed you acquainted that you are expecting to making some additions to you accounting staff in January 2013.
36. I shall be in Rio de Janeiro in January, I hope that you will given me an interview at sometime convenient to you during that month. (MENGGUNAKAN V1)
37. Thank you very much for calling to my attention the possible vacancies in the Accounting Department at the Brazilian branch of the International Business Book Company on Rio de Janeiro.
38. In the school year of 2006-2007, I take two courses with you, "Accounting Problems" and "Cost Accounting" at Bronx Community College in the Evening Section. (BUKAN IN)
39. I am great interested in the position as you outlined it to me.
40. You may not relishing continually buying pacifiers or having multiple backup pacifiers with you at all time.
41. It seems to me that my previous positions have afforded me just the experience needed to enable me to do the work required in your office to your satisfaction.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Softskill bahasa inggris 2
8. Either the library and the bookstore neither doesn't have the book i need
9. We could fly or take the rain
7. The leopard and the tiger both of them are faces extinction
8. He said that he need more time to study last week.
9. John said to Jane He didn't come to your party last night
7. I explained to Jane that somebody give me this key last week
8. I said to Jason "you wouldn't get good marks becouse you had not prepared well"
9. He said "I would make that shirt by my self"
7. Jake said to Jane "I will not leave you alone there"
13209897 - 4EA03
Monday, April 29, 2013
1. “Your are welcome to order the goods now."
“But the Payment should be made _______
Answer : C. In advance
Reason : This santence is Future perfect in passive.
2. “Where do you live now?” “I live in Utah ; my ______”
Answer : C. Parents do, too.
Reason : This santence is simple present, and too is used because the subject is prural and v1.
3. I cannot understand my neigbor’s accent. I wish she would ______
Answer : A. Speak clearer
Reason : It conditional, after would followed by v1.
4. “Why are you driving so fast?”
“I’m _______.”
Answers : C. In a hurry
Reason : Reposition + in
5. I have your music CD. I think I _______ your concert video.
Answer : A. Also have
Reason : Also must be used before have.
6. I hear you have started a new job. ______ like it?
Answer : A. How do you
Reason : Asking the feel of new condition.
7. I really have to go now. I have _______ the doctor.
Answer : D. An appoinment with
Reason : Past tense
8. I can meet you at Central Station. Will _______?
Answer : C. That be convinient
Reason : Because convinient followed by adjective.
9. I don’t have any results for you today. I _______ tomorrow.
Anwer : D. May have some.
Reason : Because it’s a positive santance.
10. I would rather _______ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy cafe.
Answer : A. Have
Reason : Would rather + V1
11. “Where ______ last weekend?”
“I went to see my aunt and uncle.”
Answer : D. Did you go
Reason : Past Tense
12. I was very surprised _______ that she didn’t pass the exam.”
Answer : D. To hear
Reason : after surprised must followed by invinitive.
13. “Why ______ she isn’t speaking to us ?”
“We must have done something that upset her. She just too sensitive.”
Answer : C. Do you think
Raeson : Simple Prensent tense for question.
14. I hope that this winter won’t be ______ last.
Answer : A. As cold as
Reason : As + Adjective + as. Compharation simmilar.
15. Sorry to be late. I was delayed by ______.”
Answer : A. A heavy Traffic
Reason : Traffic is a noun countable
16. The sky is getting dark. It ______ rain is on its way.
Answer : A. Looks
Reason : Simple Present
17. Would you do me a small favour? I _____ very much.
Answer : D. Would appreciate it.
Reason : Would + v1. For lightness
18. I am familiar with that product. I dont know ______ times i’ve seen it advertised on TV.
Answer : How many
Reason : Beacuse it for Countable
19. “When _____ leaving for Toronto, Canada?”
“We are planning to set out at 10 o’clock.”
Answer : A. Are we
Reason : Present Progresive (Planning)
20. I asked robert when he could fix my leaking up tap. He said that he would come round and fix it _______.
Answer : D. As soon as possible.
Reason : some kind of Indirect Speech
21. “Do you know ______ that building is?”
“I would say that was built at least 100 tears ago.”
Answer : C. How old
Reason : In Beded question
22. That man told us that the next train would arrive ____.
Answer : A. At three thirty
Reason : Some kind of indirect speech
23. “How ________ a crowd had gathered at the scene of accident?”
“ I dont’t know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlooker.”
Answer : A. Large
Reason :
24. That is the city ______ worst crime record.
Answer : C. With the
Reason :
25. “Where should i put this key?”
“You can ________ it on the shelf.”
Answer : D. Put
Reason : Present Future
26. Write a book is trully a process, and one that is immposible to complete without considerable assistence from many others.
Answer : Writing
Reason : It must be gerund.
27. The first section of this book will probably be most help to you right now.
Answer : Helpfull
Raeson : it must be adjective
28. My slow and steady approach to the challenge of sleep focus on using this challenge as an opportunity to help you ans your baby.
Answer : Focused
Reason : it must be passive
29. Other parents might wanted to incrporate other calming rituals, such as singing a lullaby, saying prayers, or telling a story.
Answer : Want
Reason : after might it must be v1
30. If you wait to return until a child is crying or calling for you, you are sending them the very clear message that these calls and cries will lead to your return, and there by motivating these behaviors.
Answer : Motivate
Reason : Must be parralel
31. Just knowing that i would returned was enough to let him stay quitely in his bed
Answer : Return
Reason : After would must be v1
32. When children awake at night, as they all will at some point, you face an additional challenge : Getting your child back to sleep when you are probably mostly asleep yourself.
Answer : Point
Reason : will + v1
33. It seems to me that my previous position have afforded me just the experience needed to enable me to do work required in your office to your satisfaction.
Answer : positions
Reason :
34. This feeding should be done quick and quitly so that you don’t provide unnecessary stimulation and excitement.
Answer : Quickly
Reason : Must be adverb
35. I have been told by Mr. John L. Peterson, manager of credit, The Bussiness Book Publishing Company, New York, with whom i believed you acuainted that you are expecting to making some additions to you accounting staff in January 2013.
Answer : Make
Reason : Must be invinitive
36. I shall be in Rio de Janiero in January, i hope that you given me an interview at sometime convinient to you during that month.
Answer : Give
Reason : Must be v1
37. Thank you very much for calling to my attention the possible vacancies in the Accounting Departement at the Brazilian branch of the International Bussiness Book Company on Rio de Janiero.
Answer : in
Reason : must be in because it’s a town
38. In the school year of 2006 – 2008, i take two courses with you, “Accounting Problems” and “Cost Accounting” at Bronx Community Collage in the evening section.
Answer : Took
Reason : because it has already happened it must be Past tense
39. I am great interested in the poition as you outline it to me.
Answer : Greatly
Reason : Must be adverb
40. You may not relishing continually buying pacifiers or having multiple back up pacifiers with you at all time.
Answer : Relish
Reason : after may not is followed by v1
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Relationship Between TOEFL and Management
Globalization has led to remarkable transformation in the international business environment. Since the last decade we have seen the transformation of emerging markets in a variety of international business.
The dynamics of many Asian economies, Central European and South American markets have paved the way for the emergence of tightly woven network of international business phenomenon, eliminating, for the most part, limited to isolated business activities industrialized countries. Globalization has, in short, lead to new types of business scenarios and world competition.
In this context, the company hopes to have a manager with managerial capacity of international, cross cultural skills and strategic outlook diverse.
not only learn about the theoretical issues and conceptual in international management, but also issues of sustainable development in the management of international companies.
TOEFL is English skill examination that we need to entrance the Universities or college in USA or many other countries in the world. This examination is important for us that our mother tongue isn’t English. This TOEFL examination is held by ETS (Educational Testing Service).
In the other side TOEFL use for employee recruitment. Sometimes, it use when we do interview test. Many companies need TOEFL to know about our English skill in passive or active. Because, world of business has developed in communication like write business letter for our business partner that they live in other country. So, we required to be able to speak English.
This TOEFL type is usually need for them who wants to entrance the college for undergraduate and graduate program. TOEFL exam use to considering about our English skill for us to study abroad. TOEFL is oriented on American English that different from British English.
That’s why we need to learn about English or get a course for English. We need to learn more vocabularies then we learn grammar to know the structure. Or we can watch English film in cinema or television series. It can make us to know more about speak English.
Therefore, the leadership is also needed, to implement the strategy, systems and procedures of an organization so that the organization becomes qualified, the role of the leader is essential. In connection with this quality, in this case the leader has a variety of roles, which include:
• Quality is a cultural issue in which the leader most responsible for fostering a culture of quality.
• Leaders as culture builders should consider:
• Quality of interaction - communication strategies - Purposing - Pay attention to little thing
• Culture of quality can not be bought, but must be socialized and harmonized and developed based on the existing culture, based on the good practices that already exist in an organization.
• articulate and mengusai foreign language support. particularly English language
• The quality has existed at any educational institution, TQM develop a continuous quality improvement (continuous improvement)
• TQM requires perseverance and patience, not something that can be introduced overnight.
Nama : Sibawaih Athaillah
NPM : 13209897
Kelas : 4EA03
The TOEFL /ˈtoʊfəl/ TOH-fəl, formally known as Test Of English as a Foreign Language, is a test of an individual’s ability to use and understand American English in an academic setting designed and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) and TOEFL is a registered trademark of ETS. It was developed to address the problem of ensuring English language proficiency for non-native speakers wishing to study at U.S. universities. It has become an admission requirement for non-native English speakers at many English-speaking colleges and universities. Additionally, institutions such as government agencies, licensing bodies, businesses, or scholarship programs may require this test. A TOEFL score is valid for two years and then will no longer be officially reported.
In 1962, a national council made up of representatives of thirty government and private organizations was formed to address the problem of ensuring English language proficiency for non-native speakers wishing to study at U.S. universities. This council recommended the development and administration of the TOEFL exam for the 1963-1964 time frame. The test was originally developed at the Center for Applied Linguistics under the direction of Stanford University applied linguistics professor Dr. Charles A. Ferguson.
The TOEFL test was first administered in 1964 by the Modern Language Association financed by grants from the Ford Foundation and Danforth Foundation. In 1965, The College Board and ETS jointly assumed responsibility for the continuation of the TOEFL testing program. In 1973, a cooperative arrangement was made between ETS, The College Board, and the Graduate Record Examinations board of advisers to oversee and run the program. ETS was to administer the exam with the guidance of the TOEFL board.
Formats and contents
Internet-based Test
Since its introduction in late 2005, the TOEFL iBT format has progressively replaced both the computer-based tests (CBT) and paper-based tests (PBT), although paper-based testing is still used in select areas. The TOEFL iBT test has been introduced in phases, with the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy in 2005 and the rest of the world in 2006, with test centers added regularly. The CBT was discontinued in September 2006 and these scores are no longer valid.
Although initially, the demand for test seats was higher than availability, and candidates had to wait for months, it is now possible to take the test within one to four weeks in most countries. The four-hour test consists of four sections, each measuring one of the basic language skills (while some tasks require integrating multiple skills) and all tasks focus on language used in an academic, higher-education environment. Note-taking is allowed during the TOEFL iBT test. The test cannot be taken more than once a week.
1. Reading
The Reading section consists of 3–5 passages, each approximately 700 words in length and questions about the passages. The passages are on academic topics; they are the kind of material that might be found in an undergraduate university textbook. Passages require understanding of rhetorical functions such as cause-effect, compare-contrast and argumentation. Students answer questions about main ideas, details, inferences, essential information, sentence insertion, vocabulary, rhetorical purpose and overall ideas. New types of questions in the TOEFL iBT test require filling out tables or completing summaries. Prior knowledge of the subject under discussion is not necessary to come to the correct answer.
2. Listening
The Listening section consists of six passages 3–5 minutes in length and questions about the passages. These passages include two student conversations and four academic lectures or discussions. A conversation involves two speakers, a student and either a professor or a campus service provider. A lecture is a self-contained portion of an academic lecture, which may involve student participation and does not assume specialized background knowledge in the subject area. Each conversation and lecture stimulus is heard only once. Test-takers may take notes while they listen and they may refer to their notes when they answer the questions. Each conversation is associated with five questions and each lecture with six. The questions are meant to measure the ability to understand main ideas, important details, implications, relationships between ideas, organization of information, speaker purpose and speaker attitude.
3. Speaking
The Speaking section consists of six tasks: two independent tasks and four integrated tasks. In the two independent tasks, test-takers answer opinion questions on familiar topics. They are evaluated on their ability to speak spontaneously and convey their ideas clearly and coherently. In two of the integrated tasks, test-takers read a short passage, listen to an academic course lecture or a conversation about campus life and answer a question by combining appropriate information from the text and the talk. In the two remaining integrated tasks, test-takers listen to an academic course lecture or a conversation about campus life and then respond to a question about what they heard. In the integrated tasks, test-takers are evaluated on their ability to appropriately synthesize and effectively convey information from the reading and listening material. Test-takers may take notes as they read and listen and may use their notes to help prepare their responses. Test-takers are given a short preparation time before they have to begin speaking. The responses are digitally recorded, sent to ETS’s Online Scoring Network (OSN) and evaluated by three to six raters.
4. Writing
The Writing section measures a test taker's ability to write in an academic setting and consists of two tasks: one integrated task and one independent task. In the integrated task, test-takers read a passage on an academic topic and then listen to a speaker discuss the same topic. The test-taker will then write a summary about the important points in the listening passage and explain how these relate to the key points of the reading passage. In the independent task, the test-taker must write an essay that states, explains, and supports their opinion on an issue, supporting their opinions or choices, rather than simply listing personal preferences or choices. Responses are sent to the ETS OSN and evaluated by four raters.
One of the sections of the test will include extra, uncounted material. Educational Testing Service includes extra material in order to pilot test questions for future test forms. When test-takers are given a longer section, they should give equal effort to all of the questions because they do not know which question will count and which will be considered extra. For example, if there are four reading passages instead of three, then three of those passages will count and one of the passages will not be counted. Any of the four passages could be the uncounted one.
Paper-based Test
The TOEFL paper-based Test (PBT) is available in limited areas. Scores are valid for two years after the test date, and test takers can have their scores sent to institutions or agencies during that time.
Listening (30 – 40 minutes)
The Listening section consists of 3 parts. The first one contains 30 questions about short conversations. The second part has 8 questions about longer conversations. The last part asks 12 questions about lectures or talks.
Structure and Written Expression (25 minutes)
The Structure and Written Expression section has 15 exercises of completing sentences correctly and 25 exercises of identifying errors.
Reading Comprehension (55 minutes)
The Reading Comprehension section has 50 questions about reading passages.
Writing (30 minutes)
The Writing section is one essay with 250–300 words in average.
Test scores
The TOEFL iBT test is scored on a scale of 0 to 120 points.
Each of the four sections (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing) receives a scaled score from 0 to 30. The scaled scores from the four sections are added together to determine the total score.
Each speaking question is initially given a score of 0 to 4, and each writing question is initially given a score of 0 to 5. These scores are converted to scaled scores of 0 to 30.
Paper-based Test
The final PBT score ranges between 310 and 677 and is based on three subscores: Listening (31–68), Structure (31–68), and Reading (31–67). Unlike the CBT, the score of the Writing section (referred to as the Test of Written English, TWE) is not part of the final score; instead, it is reported separately on a scale of 0–6.
The score test takers receive on the Listening, Structure and Reading parts of the TOEFL test is not the percentage of correct answers. The score is converted to take into account the fact that some tests are more difficult than others. The converted scores correct these differences. Therefore, the converted score is a more accurate reflection of the ability than the correct answer score is.
Accepted TOEFL Scores
Most colleges use TOEFL scores as only one factor in their admission process. Each college or program within a college often has a minimum TOEFL score required. The minimum TOEFL iBT scores range from 61 (Bowling Green State University) to 100 (MIT, Columbia, Harvard). A sampling of required TOEFL admissions scores shows that a total TOEFL iBT score of 74.2 for undergraduate admissions and 82.6 for graduate admissions may be required. ETS has released tables to convert between iBT, CBT and PBT scores.
TOEFL ITP tests are paper-based and use academic content to evaluate the English-language proficiency of nonnative English speakers. The tests use new and previously administered TOEFL test questions and are used for placement, progress, evaluation, exit testing and other situations. Unlike the TOEFL iBT test, TOEFL ITP tests are administered by the institution and should not replace the need for the TOEFL iBT test. There are two levels: Level 1 (intermediate to advanced) and Level 2 (high beginning to intermediate).TOEFL ITP scores are mapped to the CEFR and test takers are provided with a certificate of achievement.
TOEFL Junior Tests
ETS also offers the TOEFL Junior tests, a general assessment of middle school-level English-language proficiency, and a distinct product within the TOEFL family. The TOEFL Junior is intended for students ages 11–14. The tests are administered in two formats — TOEFL Junior Standard (paper-based) and TOEFL Junior Comprehensive (administered via computer). The TOEFL Junior Standard test has three sections: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension and Language Form and Meaning. The TOEFL Junior Comprehensive test has four sections: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Speaking and Writing. TOEFL Junior scores are mapped to the CEFR and test takers are provided with a certificate of achievement. TOEFL Junior is a trademark of ETS.
In 1962, a national council made up of representatives of thirty government and private organizations was formed to address the problem of ensuring English language proficiency for non-native speakers wishing to study at U.S. universities. This council recommended the development and administration of the TOEFL exam for the 1963-1964 time frame. The test was originally developed at the Center for Applied Linguistics under the direction of Stanford University applied linguistics professor Dr. Charles A. Ferguson.
The TOEFL test was first administered in 1964 by the Modern Language Association financed by grants from the Ford Foundation and Danforth Foundation. In 1965, The College Board and ETS jointly assumed responsibility for the continuation of the TOEFL testing program. In 1973, a cooperative arrangement was made between ETS, The College Board, and the Graduate Record Examinations board of advisers to oversee and run the program. ETS was to administer the exam with the guidance of the TOEFL board.
Formats and contents
Internet-based Test
Since its introduction in late 2005, the TOEFL iBT format has progressively replaced both the computer-based tests (CBT) and paper-based tests (PBT), although paper-based testing is still used in select areas. The TOEFL iBT test has been introduced in phases, with the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy in 2005 and the rest of the world in 2006, with test centers added regularly. The CBT was discontinued in September 2006 and these scores are no longer valid.
Although initially, the demand for test seats was higher than availability, and candidates had to wait for months, it is now possible to take the test within one to four weeks in most countries. The four-hour test consists of four sections, each measuring one of the basic language skills (while some tasks require integrating multiple skills) and all tasks focus on language used in an academic, higher-education environment. Note-taking is allowed during the TOEFL iBT test. The test cannot be taken more than once a week.
1. Reading
The Reading section consists of 3–5 passages, each approximately 700 words in length and questions about the passages. The passages are on academic topics; they are the kind of material that might be found in an undergraduate university textbook. Passages require understanding of rhetorical functions such as cause-effect, compare-contrast and argumentation. Students answer questions about main ideas, details, inferences, essential information, sentence insertion, vocabulary, rhetorical purpose and overall ideas. New types of questions in the TOEFL iBT test require filling out tables or completing summaries. Prior knowledge of the subject under discussion is not necessary to come to the correct answer.
2. Listening
The Listening section consists of six passages 3–5 minutes in length and questions about the passages. These passages include two student conversations and four academic lectures or discussions. A conversation involves two speakers, a student and either a professor or a campus service provider. A lecture is a self-contained portion of an academic lecture, which may involve student participation and does not assume specialized background knowledge in the subject area. Each conversation and lecture stimulus is heard only once. Test-takers may take notes while they listen and they may refer to their notes when they answer the questions. Each conversation is associated with five questions and each lecture with six. The questions are meant to measure the ability to understand main ideas, important details, implications, relationships between ideas, organization of information, speaker purpose and speaker attitude.
3. Speaking
The Speaking section consists of six tasks: two independent tasks and four integrated tasks. In the two independent tasks, test-takers answer opinion questions on familiar topics. They are evaluated on their ability to speak spontaneously and convey their ideas clearly and coherently. In two of the integrated tasks, test-takers read a short passage, listen to an academic course lecture or a conversation about campus life and answer a question by combining appropriate information from the text and the talk. In the two remaining integrated tasks, test-takers listen to an academic course lecture or a conversation about campus life and then respond to a question about what they heard. In the integrated tasks, test-takers are evaluated on their ability to appropriately synthesize and effectively convey information from the reading and listening material. Test-takers may take notes as they read and listen and may use their notes to help prepare their responses. Test-takers are given a short preparation time before they have to begin speaking. The responses are digitally recorded, sent to ETS’s Online Scoring Network (OSN) and evaluated by three to six raters.
4. Writing
The Writing section measures a test taker's ability to write in an academic setting and consists of two tasks: one integrated task and one independent task. In the integrated task, test-takers read a passage on an academic topic and then listen to a speaker discuss the same topic. The test-taker will then write a summary about the important points in the listening passage and explain how these relate to the key points of the reading passage. In the independent task, the test-taker must write an essay that states, explains, and supports their opinion on an issue, supporting their opinions or choices, rather than simply listing personal preferences or choices. Responses are sent to the ETS OSN and evaluated by four raters.
Task | Description | Approx. time |
Reading | 3–5 passages, each containing 12–14 questions | 60–100 minutes |
Listening | 6–9 passages, each containing 5–6 questions | 60–90 minutes |
Break | 10 minutes | |
Speaking | 6 tasks | 20 minutes |
Writing | 2 tasks | 50 minutes |
Paper-based Test
The TOEFL paper-based Test (PBT) is available in limited areas. Scores are valid for two years after the test date, and test takers can have their scores sent to institutions or agencies during that time.
Listening (30 – 40 minutes)
The Listening section consists of 3 parts. The first one contains 30 questions about short conversations. The second part has 8 questions about longer conversations. The last part asks 12 questions about lectures or talks.
Structure and Written Expression (25 minutes)
The Structure and Written Expression section has 15 exercises of completing sentences correctly and 25 exercises of identifying errors.
Reading Comprehension (55 minutes)
The Reading Comprehension section has 50 questions about reading passages.
Writing (30 minutes)
The Writing section is one essay with 250–300 words in average.
Test scores
The TOEFL iBT test is scored on a scale of 0 to 120 points.
Each of the four sections (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing) receives a scaled score from 0 to 30. The scaled scores from the four sections are added together to determine the total score.
Each speaking question is initially given a score of 0 to 4, and each writing question is initially given a score of 0 to 5. These scores are converted to scaled scores of 0 to 30.
Paper-based Test
The final PBT score ranges between 310 and 677 and is based on three subscores: Listening (31–68), Structure (31–68), and Reading (31–67). Unlike the CBT, the score of the Writing section (referred to as the Test of Written English, TWE) is not part of the final score; instead, it is reported separately on a scale of 0–6.
The score test takers receive on the Listening, Structure and Reading parts of the TOEFL test is not the percentage of correct answers. The score is converted to take into account the fact that some tests are more difficult than others. The converted scores correct these differences. Therefore, the converted score is a more accurate reflection of the ability than the correct answer score is.
Accepted TOEFL Scores
Most colleges use TOEFL scores as only one factor in their admission process. Each college or program within a college often has a minimum TOEFL score required. The minimum TOEFL iBT scores range from 61 (Bowling Green State University) to 100 (MIT, Columbia, Harvard). A sampling of required TOEFL admissions scores shows that a total TOEFL iBT score of 74.2 for undergraduate admissions and 82.6 for graduate admissions may be required. ETS has released tables to convert between iBT, CBT and PBT scores.
TOEFL ITP tests are paper-based and use academic content to evaluate the English-language proficiency of nonnative English speakers. The tests use new and previously administered TOEFL test questions and are used for placement, progress, evaluation, exit testing and other situations. Unlike the TOEFL iBT test, TOEFL ITP tests are administered by the institution and should not replace the need for the TOEFL iBT test. There are two levels: Level 1 (intermediate to advanced) and Level 2 (high beginning to intermediate).TOEFL ITP scores are mapped to the CEFR and test takers are provided with a certificate of achievement.
TOEFL Junior Tests
ETS also offers the TOEFL Junior tests, a general assessment of middle school-level English-language proficiency, and a distinct product within the TOEFL family. The TOEFL Junior is intended for students ages 11–14. The tests are administered in two formats — TOEFL Junior Standard (paper-based) and TOEFL Junior Comprehensive (administered via computer). The TOEFL Junior Standard test has three sections: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension and Language Form and Meaning. The TOEFL Junior Comprehensive test has four sections: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Speaking and Writing. TOEFL Junior scores are mapped to the CEFR and test takers are provided with a certificate of achievement. TOEFL Junior is a trademark of ETS.
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